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Main Monthly Virtual Meeting: Using Facebook to Find Motivated Sellers

with... Jerome Lewis

Learn How A Real Estate Investor Can Generate Motivated Seller Real Estate Leads Using Facebook with Technology Expert Jerome Lewis. Networking and zoom rooms begins at 5:30 PM. CREIA business and education starting at 6:30 PM.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM


Welcome to Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association!

Whether you are just starting out in real estate investing, or are working on your hundredth deal, the Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association can help you learn more, make more, and have more fun doing it.

Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association, Inc (CREIA NC) hosts a virtual monthly main meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. For the purpose of education and networking, this is an important meeting for real estate investors as average attendance is 100 people. Also, accelerated learning is afforded with local, regional and national speakers presenting at this meeting. Where the deals happen, this is a great place to get and stay connected. Pre-register now for our next Main Meeting. 

Here at Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association, it’s our job to keep you up to date on the best ways to make money in real estate, no matter what’s happening ‘out there’.

And this month, we’re doing that by bringing you one of the most knowledgeable experts in social media and digital technologies to share his experiences and advice about building your real estate business during the 2021 market.

With a degree in Specialized Computer Technology and hands-on experience working at an IT Data Center for more than seven years, Jerome Lewis has insight into tools and processes that do and do not work for our unique and specific business needs. Specializes in marketing; specifically, digital and video marketing, Jerome has a unique presentation for us.

Objective: To translate this technical and complicated process into something that anyone can understand, especially those that aren’t very technical.

Jerome will show you:

  • How Facebook can be a highly effective real estate leads generator for your real estate business when done correctly.
  • Why using Facebook may be the strategy that saves you in a tough economy.
  • The one skill that will make or break your real estate investment income right now.
  • How to build a foundation and establish some essentials…a personal Facebook profile, a Facebook business page, a website, and ultimately a budget.
  • How to build a pipeline of real estate motivated seller leads that are willing to accept a discount on their property in exchange for our ability to uniquely solve their problems.
  • Strategies for wholesalers, real estate investors and other real estate industry professionals
  • How to find motivated sellers
  • Plus, he’ll answer questions about the current market!

     This meeting is ONLINE, so you need a link to join us on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, get that HERE and spend your evening with us, learning to prosper using these effective digital marketing tools.


  • 5:30pm: Networking, CREIA Café via Zoom Rooms: 1. How to work with other investors, 2. CREIA membership benefits overview.
  • 6:30pm: CREIA Meeting with guest speaker: Exclusive Tips - Using Facebook to Find Motivated Sellers by Jerome Lewis.

See you online,
CREIA Success Team

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Date:  Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Time:  5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Event Liability Waiver

Contact Us

Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association
  • (828) 338-9658
  • P.O. Box 615
  • Asheville, NC 28802

Proud Affiliate Member of Think Realty


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